Monday, January 9, 2012

Alternate Names for This Blog

Yes, I'm Single.

Things Living in Alabama Drove Me To Do

Ways to Ruin Your Manicure

I Have No Social Life to Speak Of, and Other Adventures

Everyone at the Local Home Depot Knows my Name

"Stripping" Isn't What You Think it is, You Sicko

I Need Attention from Strangers Google-ing "DIY Projects"

This Blog Will Never Turn into a Coffee Table Book Sold at Urban Outfitters

A Weird Neighbor Called Me a "Lady Carpenter" One Time, and Other Gender Stereotype Based Insults

I Own a Staple Gun. It Simultaneously Delights and Terrifies Me (Much Like I Imagine Owning a Bengal Tiger Would)

Pictures Featuring Furniture in Foreground, Dog in Background

God Have Mercy on Our Souls When I Actually Purchase a Home

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Love: Blue Rooms

 Ugh. You guys. Sorry it's been so long.
I've been doing a lot of home stuff. Like paintings and stripping tables (it's not what it sounds like. you are a sick person.) and buying vintage desks to paint and re-re-upholsering (that's two different fabric changes) chairs and experimenting with gold leafing. We'll get to all of that once I can upload pictures and follow through. I promise to do better.

Until then, I'd like to talk about something I love. The color blue. For rooms. As a renter, I can't do this. And it's killing me.

Do you guys remember that song Blue by Leann Rimes? This was popular back when times were simpler. Remember? Children drank soda pop and malts from striped straws, people strolled in verdant parks unconcerned with becoming inspiration for the next Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, and dear sweet Leann Rimes was years away from being the silicone-filled, husband-stealing, home-wrecking skank she is today.

Ah, the halcyon days.

Anyway, blue is a much better color for rooms than for a song.

Let's take a look.
This darker blue is just HEAVEN isn't it. And the white molding? And everything else in this room? One day, friends. One day.

Could this be any crisper? (no)

A wallpaper option.

Blue cabinetry.

Less dramatic, but still nice. Like for a teenager? Like if you were a stepmom/dad and wanted to be "cool"/ wanted them to like you.

A bit more understated 

Love the floor, rug, and wall color. Hate the china on the walls. It looks like a lot of plates fell off during an earthquake or something. What is that about. 

I mean, it's the White House. How great is this? 

A much better use of patterned china.

Wasn't that nice? Looking through these rooms that none of us have? But could? One day? 

If you are inspired right now, Martha Stewart has a "Decorating by Color" section of her website that can be found here for suggestions about incorporating blue in various ways. Most are good. Some, like those awful gingham fabric stools, are questionable.