Sunday, July 3, 2011

Love: America

This weekend we celebrate America's birthday!

The 4th was once one of my very favorite holidays. I say "was" because when I taught 2nd grade, I had to explain Independence Day to a classroom full of Native American students.

It went a little something like this:

Student: So what is the 4th of July?
Me: Great question! We celebrate the 4th of July because that is when we became independent of Britain.
Student: ...
Me: So, the Americans were living here, in America, before it was the United States of America...and, uh, well I guess so were the Native Americans....Yep, the Native Americans were living there, actually before the colonists got there. Anyway, the colonists didn't like the British telling them what to do. Wow. And, so....hmm...but, uh. Huh. Sooooooo, yes, the Native Americans were definitely here. But, uh, the British colonists moved here and uh, well....huh. Freedom?


This was nothing compared to the Columbus Day Discussion or, my personal favorite, The Thanksgiving Story! Hooray!

Anyway, America. AMERICA. Bald Eagles! Fireworks! Walmart! Pushing uncomfortable truths about our country deep deep deep into our  collective psyches so we never need to speak or think of them again! Missiles! GDP! Swimming Pools!

I mean, who am I kidding? The Fourth of July is fantastic. It means, sun, water, sand, grilled meats, fireworks and family. I also think of fresh fruit for some reason. Also, my older brother, younger sister and I trying to drown each other?

OK, we're back. Let's talk about some good ol' Red, White, and Blue inspiration!

The patriotic displays seen this weekend can also be used throughout the house. It'll always looks like summer. 
Look at these whimsical paper things!


I think I love everything about this room. So crisp. So clean. 
Primary colors without looking like a box of crayons.
This is perfectly Red, White, and Blue without looking like you were too lazy to take down
your Independence Day decorations. Cheers!

 Alright, you guys, let's ignore that this is a kid's room. 
The rug. Old Glory. The white sunburst mirror. Red couch. Bordered crisp linens (do I spy a monogram?)

 Everything about this is pretty terrible, except for the little America banner. How droll!
But, seriously, the other stuff?
I look at this and see a bunch of wooden geese with handkerchiefs around their little necks being sold
at a county fair. Thank you, no.

I don't know what the hell is going on with the backboard there. 
Also, I hate monkeys. 
BUT, what I do see is some crisp red, white, and blue action. Also, Boston University?

Everything I found below, I found on etsy
I searched in "Vintage" and just typed in "American Flag."

Framed Vintage Finds:
Old Flag print + Vintage War Poster

48 Stars. Perfect for rental walls you cannot paint. 

Coffee table. Side table. Table. 

Look at this great vintage book, and the pages therein!
I'm imagining choosing maybe the title page and 3 others and FRAMING them, guys. Framing them.
Together? Or maybe just choosing your favorite. And framing them separately.

Happy 4th!

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